MOBILE LABLAB TESTINGOF SOILSMachinery RentalExperts in Soil TestingANALYSIS&TESTINGServicesPROFESSIONAL&TIMELYDELIVERYonsitetesting of soilsCONCRETE TESTING SERVICEShelping you ensure that the quality of your concrete and aggregate complies with the recommended standards.
"Integrity, teamwork and a passion for testing technology; that is what success sounds like at Geo-Concrete Laboratory."
Geo-concrete Laboratory is an established advanced testing technology company with excellent growth potential and performance. As a leading material testing laboratory and Testing Solutions for Quality Control services, Universities and Research Labs, we are a top contender in our fast-paced, exciting segment of the industry and we are still growing.
Our mission is to offer the broadest, most efficient, and highest performance range of products with the best price/quality ratio and we aim to maximize the full satisfaction of our customers in the materials testing market. Our goal is to sustain 100% customer reference ability as we move forward.
We’re eager to show you all we have to offer, and we are also eager to learn if you offer experience and skills that can contribute to the growth of Geo-Concrete Laboratory.